Widespread throughout Eastern USA.
General description
The sapwood is creamy white and may be streaked with the heartwood varying from pale yellowish brown to olive green. The green colour in the heartwood will tend to darken on exposure to light and turn brown. The wood has a medium to fine texture and is straight grained. The size of the sapwood and some physical characteristics will vary according to growing regions. The wood has many desirable characteristics and is suitable for a wide variety of important uses. The tulipwood tree resembles the shape of the European poplar, hence its name in USA.
Working properties
A versatile timber that is easy to machine, plane, turn, glue and bore. It dries easily with minimal movement in performance and has little tendency to split when nailed. It takes and holds paint, enamel and stain exceptionally well.
Physical properties
A medium density wood with low bending, shock resistance, stiffness and compression values, with a medium steam bending classification.
Specific Gravity: 0.42 (12% M.C.)
Average Weight: 449 kg/m3 (12% M.C.)
Average Volumetric Shrinkage: 9.8% (Green to 6% M.C.)
Modulus of Elasticity: 10,894 MPa
Hardness: 2402 N
Non-resistant to decay, heartwood is moderately resistant to preservative treatment, sapwood is permeable.
USA: Very widely available.
Export: Widely available in a full range of standard thicknesses and specifications.
Main uses
Light construction, furniture, interior joinery, kitchen cabinets, doors, panelling, mouldings, edged-glued panels, plywood (USA), turning and carving.